Available Visas for Trade Occupation 2022

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Talk to Migration Agent of Hays Migration for your best advice in Permanent Residency

How To Identify your Skill Assessing Authority ?

For each trades occupation, as we have mentioned in How Trade Occupations get PR in Australia 2022?, there are more than one skill assessing authority for trades occupation. The most common one is TRA (Trades Recognition Australia). The other one is VETASSESS as a skill assessing authority.

The reason why we have to mention this is that each skill assessing authority has its own requirement to get the positive outcome of skill assessment, TRA normally requires you going through a Job Ready Program with a minimum 1 year full time work experience (1725 hours of paid employment for minimum 12 months) and VETASSESS requires 1 year post qualification (Qualification must be relevant to the occupation, otherwise 3 years work experience required).

With different requirement for each occupation, you can choose your right pathway to study what course and what visa you should aim for.

=> In order to identify what skill assessing authority is evaluating your skill, simply click on this link.

The link is Australia Occupation List and you just need to type your occupation, on the right hand side, Assessing authority will be shown up.

Carpenter - MLTSSL - TRA Skill Assessing Authority (Picture 1)

Carpenter - MLTSSL - TRA Skill Assessing Authority (Picture 1)


Even though Trade occupations are not popular for studying in Australia, most international students are taking for higher skill occupations like engineer, business finance or marketing, Social work or IT occupations, Trade occupations are still very in high demand and Australian Government always encourage skilled migrants to study and work in these industries to fulfill skill shortage.

There are a lot of visas options for trades occupation and they tend to be easier to being sponsored by employers who provide those trade occupations. The reason is that it’s very difficult to find skilled workers in trades industry, since most of international students are studying higher skill level occupations.

As a results, Tradies have easier PR Pathway and Visa options than those studying higher education. Some popular visa options for trade occupations are:

  • Skilled Visa ( Visa 189, Visa 190, Visa 491)

For skilled visa, the most important and the compulsory thing is skill assessment. Recently, 190 or 491 visa are those of popular visa for skilled migrants, for first-time coming customer, visa 190 is PR and also called Skilled nominated visa and Visa 491 is Skilled Work Regional (provisional) Visa, both visa 491 and visa 190 are nominated by States or Territories. For Skilled independent talent visa, you have to check in advance if your ocupation is listed in MLTSSL (Medium Long Term Strategic skill list) (picture 1).

Visa 190, 491: Look at state nomination requirements of your occupation or general migration policy from state’s migration website to see if you are eligible or not.

Visa 189: Points test based stream- a lot of quotas have been left unfilled every year for trades occupation

Occupation Ceiling 2021 - 0 Invitations for trade occupations have been sent out VISA 189!

Occupation Ceiling 2021 - 0 Invitations for trade occupations have been sent out VISA 189!

STILL CONFUSED: Talk to our Registered Migration Agent from Regional Areas !

  • employer sponsored (482, 494) or Training visa 407

As mentioned above, due to lack of skilled workers in trades industry, employers are actively looking for someone who can work for them, leading to a sponsorship if eligible.

With those TSS Employer Sponsored 482 or 494, if your occupation is in MLTSSL you will get higher chance to apply for PR after a certain amount of time working for the nominated employer.

Or training visa 407 if your employer is willing to sponsor you, normally visa 407 holders have allowance of 2 years working for the sponsoring employer.

Employer Sponsored Visa 482,494 - Hays Migration

Employer Sponsored Visa 482,494 - Hays Migration

  • Temporary graduate visa 485 (18 months)

This is one of the most important visa options for trades worker even though its not a Permanent resident visa, but it works as the best pathway for your permanent residency.

This visa is only available for Trade occupations which are listed in Medium and Long-term Strategic Skill list (MLTSSL).

However, with some recent news, you might be confused with the 3 years 485 if you study in regional. This is to clarify that, for regional study of trades qualification, you are only eligible for 18 months Temproray Graduate visa 485 which is satisfying 2 years requirement of living and working in regional on visa 485 for another 1 year extension.

For most of Occupations assessed by TRA, those are listed in MLTSSL so they will have enough time to complete JRP (Job Ready Program) which requires 1 year full time work.

A few occupations are assessed by VETASSESS, normally those occupations are listed in Short Term Skilled Occupation list. For VETASSESS, they only require 1 year work experience with minimum 20 hours a week or 40 hours per fortnight. Therefore, visa 485 is not necessary for VETASSESS Occupations.

Above has explained the reason why you should be careful at choosing the right occupation and courses to study !

The right course is the course that satisfy criterias of: Suitable for Permanent residency Pathway (Shortest time to PR Application processs) + Affordable ( Suit the budget)

To find out which course is the best for you: